Your Soil Program
Complete Course Content
(This is a True Masterclass)
Note: Most Lessons Contain Multiple Sub Lessons- 149 Short Videos in Total
Module 1 - Assess & Progress
Learn how to assess your soil and identify what it needs to achieve ideal texture and create the optimum foundation for fertility. Learn how to remedy soil compaction and drainage problems and to balance soil texture for optimum soil structure. Learn the importance of gas exchange not only for crop health, but for free fertilising and increased yields.
Understand the value of mineral balancing your soil for optimum nutrient availability and learn why pH is important, but not as important as many 'old school' gardeners may claim when it comes to biologically active soils.
Lesson 1: Basic Soil Assessment
Lesson 2: Soil Texture
Lesson 3: Rebalancing Poor Texture
Lesson 4: Soil Organic Matter
Lesson 5: Soil Mineral Balancing
Lesson 6: Understanding Soil pH
Accompanying Resources
Basic Soil Assessment Checklist
Soil pH Assessment Cheat Sheet
Module 2 - Microbial Marvels
You'll be introduced to the bare essential soil microorganisms that you as a home gardener need to know about. You'll learn which are the ones to stimulate, why this is such a game changer for soil fertility and exactly how to do it.
You'll understand why the soil microbial community is not only useful for creating healthy, fertile soil, but vital for crops to maintain optimum health with minimal management.
You'll also learn why growing our own food is the single most useful strategy for cultivating our own good health, starting with our own gut microbiome.
Lesson 1: The Essence of Fertility
Lesson 2: Meet the Microbes
Lesson 3: Soil Life Pyramid
Lesson 4: Plants & Microbes
Lesson 5: Managing BIOLOGY
Lesson 6: Humans & Microbes
Accompanying Resources
The Soil Food Web Illustration pdf
Module 3 - Getting Down ‘n’ Diggy
Learn where and how to start when it comes to creating a whole new food garden optimised for fertility. Also learn how to rejuvenate an existing, tired soil and replenish it to support healthy thriving crops thereafter.
Learn what exactly soil organic matter is, the best types to apply and when, plus why it's so important to manage it well, for optimum fertility and soil biology to thrive.
Understand how minimise & manage weeds easily, to avoid unnecessary work and competition. Understand how to transform tight, compacted soils and create an optimum, stabilised soil structure that will support the biology boosting preps introduced in module 4.
Lesson 1: Weed Management
Lesson 2: Remedying Soil Compaction
Lesson 3: Soil Amendments
Lesson 4: Organic Matter
Lesson 5: Create a New Garden & Green Manures
Lesson 6: Overhauling an Existing Garden
Accompanying Resources
Basic soil Mineral Deficiency Guide
Fertiliser Cheat Sheet eBook
Lasagne Garden Bed Design Plan
Green Manure Cheat Sheet
Module 4 - Stimulate & Inoculate
Now that the perfect foundations have been created to receive these microbial marvels this module teaches the art of making your own beneficial and powerful biologically enriched brews.
You'll learn what's involved in boosting resident soil biology and how to do it for minimal effort and expense. In addition to activating and supporting the resident soil life, you'll learn how to easily create your own potent microbial inoculants, using beneficial microbes local to your area.
Applied to plants and soil you can expect to see dramatic improvements in crop health in only a few days! Prepare to be shocked by how easy these are to make and apply, and how effective they are.
Lesson 1: Stimulate, Feed & Inoculate Microbes
Lesson 2: How to Stimulate Microbes
Lesson 3: Feed Bacteria & Fungi
Lesson 4: Bio Inoculants (Homemade & Local Sources)
Lesson 5: Make Your Own Beneficial Inoculant
Lesson 6: Make Your Own Potent Bio-Boosting Brew
Accompanying Resources
Foods for Bacteria and Fungi pdf Guide
Bacterial Inoculant Recipe Guide
Bio Brew Recipe Guide
Module 5 - Productive Patch
Learn the art of growing more food using less space, while improving soil health and fertility at the same time. Understand how different types of plants have different requirements which can be used to your advantage.
Learn how to use weeds as an ally, to benefit your soils and how to plan your space for maximum benefits of yield, quality and soil improvement, while minimising competition and over-crowding.
Understand what can be done to biologically fortify and strengthen seedlings prior to planting to minimise problems and maximise productivity.
Lesson 1: Seeds and Seedlings
Lesson 2: Intensive Planting
Lesson 3: Annuals & Perennials
Lesson 4: Plant Placement
Lesson 5: Living Mulch
Lesson 6: Managing Weeds Well
Accompanying Resources
Seed Soak recipe and Inoculation Guide
Intensive Planting Guide
List of Ideal Perennial Plants
Living Mulches Cheat Sheet
Non-toxic Herbicide Recipe
Module 6 - Forever Fertile
Learn the art of easy garden care, while continuously improving soil and garden health simultaneously. Learn the principles of successful crop nutrition management and how to achieve this in your garden, for increased yields of higher quality food that is less affected by pest insects and disease.
You'll understand the benefits of ecological approaches for minimising and avoiding pest problems, and why such an approach yields better results for all residents of your garden, not just you.
You'll learn the value and uses for different types of materials for use as mulch, and get to know which options will best suit your needs and why.
Lesson 1: Benefits of a Routine
Lesson 2: Soil Nourishment
Lesson 3: Why Foliar Feed?
Lesson 4: Continuous Crop Care
Lesson 5: Mulch Choices
Lesson 6: Custodianship
Accompanying Resources
Forever Fertile: A Soil and Plant Nutrition Schedule
How it Works...
Video-Based Training Program
The Complete SUPERCHARGE Your Soil Program is a completely online video training program and self-paced. You will have instant access to the complete program and course materials (including videos, pdfs & eBooks).
The complete program is immediately available online through our exclusive member portal and also through our custom-made smartphone App, which is free to download from the Apple and Google Play Stores. Our exclusive App also offers convenient offline viewing for anyone who requires this bonus option.
Hands on Learning
The SUPERCHARGE Program offers a deep dive into understanding healthy, fertile soil & why starting a garden with such soil is so vital for anyone wanting an easy to manage, yet productive garden. You'll learn how to create a healthy, fertile soil and then how to keep your soil fertile and your garden low maintenance.
There is no 'homework' or any 'assignments' in this comprehensive program, instead you'll be invited to assess your own garden and apply the magnitude of what you'll learn throughout the program!
True Lifetime Access
This program comes with Lifetime Access, which has been greatly appreciated by previous participants because it is very content-rich.
Soil health is cutting edge- lifetime access also means free access to all updates and new content.
A Program for all Levels of Experience
This program genuinely caters for beginner gardeners right through to advanced gardeners with many years experience.
There is content to match every skill level and previous participants have commented how surprisingly well it caters to the full spectrum of skill and experience levels.
Activation Process
Upon purchase, you'll receive an email with the links to login to our members portal, accessible through any internet browser and through our free App.
With the freedom to learn at your own pace, you'll have full access to any modules you choose and the downloads associated with each module. Although the lessons are designed to be watched in sequential order, you are free to choose how you wish to view them.
Learn the Secrets of Soil Fertility
With This Masterclass Program
Self-Paced Program
Start learning today!
Our Self-Paced Program provides you everything you need to transform your soil right away! Here, the complete SUPERCHARGE Program is available for you to access online through any web-connected browser or through our own designated smartphone App for convenient offline viewing.
Learning that suits you!
You'll have the freedom to watch and learn at your own pace, however best suits you and you'll have immediate access to all the biology boosting tips, techniques and recipes to start transforming your soil fertility and plant health straight away.
Immediate access!
With exclusive access to the private Facebook group, you'll be supported through your SUPERCHARGE journey by us and by the program participant community.
All health comes down to soil health!
The Self-Paced Program:
6 Modules
149 Short Video Tutorials
Lifetime Access
Your OWN Convenient Smartphone App
10 Digital Downloads (Recipes, Guides & Checklists)
Powerful, Effective & Easy-to-Make Soil Biology Boosting Recipes
Bonus #1:
Intensive Planting Guide
Grow More Food From Less Space
Bonus #2:
Fertiliser Cheat Sheet
Our Comprehensive (41 Page) eBook to Make Choosing Amendments Easy:
(No More Confusion or Wasted $)
Bonus #3:
Easy Soil Assessment Guide
Get to Know Your Soil & Know What its Needs
Bonus #4:
Soil Mineral Deficiency Guide
Identify What Your Soil Needs
Bonus #5:
Forever Fertile:
A Soil & Plant Nutrition Schedule For Easy Ongoing Crop Care
Complete Program Available NOW:
Everything Included
All Prices in Australian Dollars ($AUD)
How it Works...
Step 1: Purchase the Program
Step 2: Gain Instant Access
Step 3: Learn Online or Through our FREE App
Learn What Your Soil Needs
Transform Your Soil Today!